If you’ve ever been curious about the possibilities of what you could do with a shed that was more than a shed, consider the Premier Shed Shop Cabin. Manufactured in Riverside, Iowa from premium materials, it’s an easy-to-install portable building with high-quality living space–all at an affordable price.
6′ Deep Porch with Increased Porch Height, Low Pitch Gable Roff, 92″ Interior Wall Height, Three 2’x3′ Windows with Latches/Screens, and 9-Lite 36″x78″ Door with Lock and Keys. 8′ model does not have railing.
With Waterproof siding and flooring you can’t go wrong with a 50yr prorated warranty, and all on pressure treated 4×6 skids running the length of the shed with 2×6 floor joists spaced every 16″ apart running the width, 30yr warranty on our upgrade option on metal siding and metal roofs. Our sheds have so much more that come with it. Check us out and see what Premier Shed Shop can do for you.